Do you really need a logo?

This might seem like an odd question, since I’m in the business of creating logos. But more and more, I’m recommending to clients they consider an alternative approach to designing the traditional logo: the “wordmark.” Instead of laboring to create the most perfect symbol or icon to represent a name or product, I sometimes suggest […]
What is your brand personality?

All design projects are a collaboration between client and designer, and the client’s thoughtful direction and input is an essential piece of that collaboration. Clients, you need to spend time thinking about — and identifying — your business brand. Without a brand, your business simply looks and feels like every other related business out there. […]
Should you have a blog on your website?

If your business would benefit from content marketing, you might consider having a BLOG | NEWS | JOURNAL section to your new website. “Content marketing” is a strategic approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to a targeted audience. It’s also a fancy word for a much simpler concept: blogging. Are […]
Tell your story in pictures

If you’re an architect, illustrator, or photographer — or if you create or sell a product that you’d like to show off to the world — why not let a creative business card do the work for you? Instead of printing plain (and predictable) business cards, print 2-sided cards that make people say “wow!” Tell […]
You need a logo. Where do you begin?

A logo is the summary of your business, your visual presentation to the world of what you do, of what you have to offer. Designing a logo is one of the biggest challenges I face as a graphic designer. On the quest for the perfect logo, where do we start? When clients come to me […]