Postcards are powerful. Here’s why.

It’s hard not to love proper mail. You remember — the kind delivered by an actual person, delivered to your mailbox or plopped on your desk?
I love a good postcard.
I often recommend using postcards for marketing. With all of us scrambling to learn and master social media marketing, it might be the perfect time to consider this old-fashioned marketing method. Maybe it’s because I enjoy touching and handling my mail, or maybe it’s because I’m over 30 and remember days when all marketing wasn’t digital, but I love postcards as an advertising medium.
Here are 6 random reasons to consider a postcard campaign the next time your business needs to communicate:
- Postcards have an advantage over all other forms of direct mail: as soon as postcards are in the hands of their intended recipients, they begin their advertising. The message, offer, or call to action doesn’t have to be unwrapped, opened, clicked, or turned on.
- Postcards are affordable. Because of their size, they’re inexpensive to write, design and print. Especially with today’s high quality digital printing, you can create full color cards without spending much on printing. Mail them at bulk postage rates or, if mailing a smaller quantity like 50 or 100, keep them at the USPS postcard size for postage savings.
- You can produce a postcard campaign quickly. Reach your customers immediately after a trade show, contact them when new products are available, update them when new services are available…You won’t have to waste weeks or months of production time to get your message delivered.
- Postcards are simple. In our over-busy and over-stimulated world, a postcard doesn’t need a huge commitment of time by a customer, and this can increase response rates. Make them colorful, keep the message clear, and they’ll be read.
- You can target your audience easily and inexpensively. Develop different messages for different demographics by using different ink colors, trying different languages, mixing up your offers, and only mailing to certain zip codes. The possibilities are endless.
- Create a campaign inexpensively and easily. Engage your potential customers with a regular postcard mailing — you can feature products, services, testimonials, special offers. With a strong visual and snappy writing, one template will serve for a long time and reinforce your business message.
Need a little postcard inspiration? Click on over to these pages for postcard ideas:
- “printfinity” postcards
- The Createry postcard campaign
- Fine art photography postcards